
For dummies

6 hours - €250
from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Powerpoint allows you to create digital slides and then present them with a video projector or on a large screen to support your oral presentations. Structure your meetings and present your projects with persuasive slideshows, animate images, texts, SmartArt, tables and graphs and easily bring your ideas to life with customizable templates. 

Training program

1 day of training – 6 hours

levels : Basic knowledge of IT tools .

  • Create text slides (hierarchical list with bullets or numbers)
  • Create slides with images and drawings
  • Import a table saved in Word or Excel
  •  Create a chart and animate it
  • Import an Excel table to create a chart and animate it
  • View the slideshow of your presentation
  • Manage the elements of a slide: selection, copy, move, enlarge, delete, group, align and change plan
  • Slide management: copy, move or delete a slide
  • Number the slides, insert the date, footer text
  • Print slides
  • Animate elements placed on the slide
  • Animate the appearance of each slide during the slideshow
  • How to link to a site, another file, another slide, another location

1/2 day of training – 3 hours

levels : Knowledge of the basics of Powerpoint.

On request
This course is intended for people who have learned the software self-taught and who wish to update themselves.

Did you know that self-employed people, businesses such as the voluntary sector (non-profit sector), can benefit from bonuses from the Brussels-Capital region to follow our training courses. Click here to find out everything about training bonuses

Lessons are available in private lessons and group lessons. The training sessions are available in person at 156, Boulevard Auguste Reyers in 1030 Brussels and are also accessible by videoconference via the Zoom platform .

Price Company, association, institution
Amount excluding VAT

Actiris price
(Not accessible with TIC checks)

Prices Independent and
Amount excluding VAT

Powerpoint for Dummies

1 day-6h

250 €

250 €

Intermediate course

1 day-6h

250 €

250 €

Advanced techniques

1 day-6h

250 €

250 €